Arizona Criminal Defense Attorney Michael Ziton is Ready to Fight for You.
Helping Clients Throughout Arizona for Over 25 Years Deal with Drug Arrests
If you were placed under arrest and charged with drug possession or transportation after a stop and vehicle search at an Arizona-Mexico immigration checkpoint, your rights may have been violated. Arizona Attorney Michael E. Ziton travels across the state of Arizona to protect your rights against a drug arrest or a citation at an immigration border checkpoint. A number of interstate highways throughout Arizona have border checkpoints. At these checkpoints, drug dogs are used by law enforcement to crack down on the transportation of illegal drugs through Arizona. A number of arrests from these checkpoints, however, involve only very small amounts of illegal drugs or other substances characterized for personal use. Despite the small quantity, criminal charges are pursued, and many visitors to Arizona from all parts of the United States, find themselves in the middle of the Arizona criminal process. It is critical to retain an Arizona drug lawyer that knows the system, and works hard to keep your name clean.
Call Arizona Attorney Michael E. Ziton Today
If you are facing a citation for simple possession of drugs, or if you or a loved one were arrested for a more serious drug offense, especially at an immigration border checkpoint in Arizona, Michael Ziton will put his knowledge and experience to work for you. We are dedicated to providing you with the right kind of representation and guidance you deserve.
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Experienced Arizona Criminal Defense Attorney
Contact Arizona Criminal Lawyer Michael Ziton (602) 234-9290
Whether you are charged with simple attempted possession or a more serious felony crime, contact Michael E. Ziton - He is dedicated to providing the right kind of representation and guidance you deserve.
While drug dogs are often used at Arizona Immigration border checkpoints, they are not always right. Drug dogs are sometimes improperly trained. They may be overworked or triggered into alertness by their over-eager handlers. If a drug dog was used in your case, we will look carefully to make sure that your rights were not violated and fight to keep illegal evidence out of your case.

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Regardless of whether drugs were eventually found, the use of these dogs by the U.S. Border Patrol may present serious problems for the prosecution. It is possible to challenge the use of drug dogs in your case.
If the evidence that led to your drug arrest was obtained through unlawful search and seizure, it can be excluded. If there is no admissible evidence, there is no case against you. Arizona Lawyer Michael Ziton is a skilled and trusted criminal defense lawyer with over 25 years of experience and success statewide in defending against drug arrests at the Arizona Border. Contact us today to discuss your matter in confidence. We are ready to fight for you.
We are available 24 Hours. Call Us Today.